For those businesses that haven’t yet embraced mobile website design, here’s the stark reality: “Mobile” is more than just a passing fad – It’s here to stay. The sooner you embrace it, the better off your business will be. Not only will you improve your company’s image - you’ll also increase sales too.
The Case For Mobilisation
Ask any professional web designing agency what their fastest growing line of business is today, and they’ll tell you: Mobile. That may come as a little shock to those of you that haven’t fully absorbed the importance of mobilising your websites; but the truth is that the mobile march has been going on for several years now, so it's not even a new thing any more.
Here’s why most of your competitors have already embraced the mobile web design route:
Vast untapped opportunities: According to a recent survey1, the number of smart phone users in Ireland is tapped to grow to 3.4 million in 2017. By 2021, that figure is expected to be nearly 4 million. Globally, that number spans billions of users. By not fully embracing a mobile website design, you are shutting yourself off from a vast untapped customer base, as well as additional sales from your existing client base.
The point about website visitors is that, if you don’t 'get access' to them through their smart phone, others will. Being proactive with making your website smart phone friendly could very well save your customer base from further erosion. And provided your mobile website is supplied by a professional mobile web designing team, it will grow your customer base significantly.
Snaring Customers: A growing trend in mobile marketing, especially for brick and mortars retailers and businesses, is mobile proximity marketing. As a mobile device user is in proximity of a particular business, these intuitive mobile marketing strategies let them know that they are located just “around the corner” or “down the street” - and the advert often offers them a special offer to call in.
Your mobile web design agency can also snare passers-by through special deals and offers, tempting them to step into your business to become a customer. Without the benefit of proximity marketing to drive your website traffic, potential customers looking for exactly what you sell (a product or service offering) will pass you by and step into a competitors shop instead.
Responsive Design: With 4 million plus potential mobile Irish customers, and over 8 billion (2) mobile subscribers worldwide, you need your web site to be easily accessed by all mobile devices. Your current desk-top enabled website can’t be easily viewed on devices with small screens, like smart phones or tablet PCs.
If you are to reach a much wider audience, you need to work with your web site design team to make your online presence more responsive to devices with smaller screens.
Sticky (Repeat) Visitors: In some ways, online marketing is no different than traditional store-front selling. You tempt your customers to step in (visit your site); then tantalise them with brilliant displays (online content). The longer they hang around on your website, the more likely it is that they will succumb to your tempting offers and buy directly from the website or call you to arrange a purchase.
Today, more and more web design firms are building websites that have “infinite scrolling” features built into them. When a user visits your site on a mobile device, instead of having them click, swipe and tab all over the site, “infinite scrolling” lets them just scroll on…and…on…and on; ensuring they remain at your site and not 'walk away'.
This mobile website design strategy helps make your visitors “sticky”, giving you more time to subtly convert casual visitors into paying customers. And that’s mobilisation power that traditional websites can’t provide.
Being Available: Having a mobile presence makes you “available” to your customers and prospects on their time. If a prospect doesn’t find your website particularly convenient to navigate while commuting, he/she will likely look to your competitors. A modern, mobile enabled website design ensures that you and your products and services are available for visitors to view and browse through – even after business hours for brick and mortar shops.
Consumers are on the go, and to capitalise on that trend, which has been going on for many years now, marketers and entrepreneurs need to march with these consumers. If you haven’t as yet spoken to your web site agency about mobilisation, then it’s high time that you do.
Waiting too long to take the leap could very well leave you so far behind the competition, that your company and your brand may become irrelevant in the eyes of your customers.
1 https://www.statista.com/statistics/494649/smartphone-users-in-ireland/
2 https://www.ericsson.com/assets/local/mobility-report/documents/2016/ericsson-mobility-report-november-2016.pdf