Tech & Help Articles

Below are some helpful posts on tech and web topics

MYIT - Web Designers Dublin

All businesses need a good website - social media accounts are a separate area and are treated differently. Whether you’re a small or large business, your website is where potential customers turn for the full details and the assurance that you can provide the product or service that they are looking for. For businesses in Dublin, working with professional web designers in Dublin can make all the difference in creating a website that not only looks great but also performs well....

MYIT - 4 Web Design Ideas To Create A More Appealing Website

When working with a website designer to improve and enhance your website, there’s always the question of time and cost. Well, putting some zing into ailing websites doesn’t have to be time consuming. And neither should working with a web design professional to make the site more appealing cost you too much....

MYIT - Web design ideas for the coming 12 months

If there’s one thing we can say for sure about the future, it’s that the next 12-months are about to be some of the most challenging for business owners and web administrators. ...

MYIT - 7 Tips for Better Website Performance

What does a well-designed website and your neighbourhood mall have in common? Answer: If you hang around both of them for long, you tend to spend more money buying stuff. So, is that what your website design doing to your visitors – encouraging them to stay longer so you can convince them to buy more of your products and services?...

MYIT - Web Design: Five design considerations for your next site update

Unless you are a DIY web designer, a hands-on coder and skilled website developer, chances are that you’ll depend on others to help you with your next website update project. The problem with most of us “non nerd types”, is that we often assume that website design is an exact science – like math or accounting. It is NOT....

MYIT - What You Should Look For In Your Web Site Designer

With so much technology and so many tools freely available online today, web design has become “commoditized”. In some cases, individuals and companies with little experience and capital can easily come into the website designing market and set up shop. Not that this is a bad thing. However, prospective web site building service clients must exercise some diligence before hiring a web professional....

MYIT - Website Design: The value of Content Management Systems

In today’s digital world, websites are your virtual calling cards. How you approach your website design says a lot to customers, prospective clients and visitors about your business. ...

MYIT - Web Design Agency Dublin

In this digital age, having a strong web presence is no longer optional - it’s essential for all businesses. Whether you’re a small business, a start-up, or an established enterprise, your website is often the first point of contact for potential customers. And for a business in Ireland, this is where a web design agency in Dublin comes into play....

MYIT - 4 Website Design Tips To Consider

Often, when you’ve had an established web site design for a long time – especially if you receive a steady flow of visitors to it – you get complacent. It’s usual to think that since traffic “seems” to be good, you don’t need to do anything. Well, your web designing apathy may actually be costing you more than you think. Read on to learn why, and how you can fix the problem....

MYIT - Website Design Trends

There’s an old saying that goes: “The trend is your friend. Embrace it.”. No truer words have been spoken about web design trends. The fast paced world of website development means that if you don’t embrace the right trends, you’ll likely be left chasing your competitors....

MYIT - Website Refresh – it's time to act

There’s a school of thought about website design that goes something like this: Once you’ve got a great design – don’t mess with it That idea sounds eerily like the old web designing adage: Build it and they will come. Well, unfortunately, website owners that subscribe to that thought are doomed. We’ll explore just why that is. ...

MYIT - Website Redesign Dublin

In today's digital world, your website is quite often the 1st contact you have with a potential new customer. It's your internet store front as such, your business's digital home, and a crucial tool for driving new sales....

MYIT - Effective web design: Forget about tech and re-focus on talk

There’s a lot to be said about being on the cutting edge of technology. And that’s what many a website designer has been enamoured with over the past half a decade or so. However, most website owners hate “tech” simply for the sake of using it. ...

MYIT - Website Software Upgrades

There is often a debate about whether you truly need to have your web designer upgrade your website, or whether simply patching and updating it is good enough. The truth is – you need to do both....

MYIT - Website Design Done Right: Four website refresh principles you can't ignore

If you are an online business that has not had a website refresh in a while (anywhere between 18 and 24-months), it’s time to consult your web design agency NOW While you have been using the same tired old site, your competitors have gradually been wooing your customers with shiny, new, refreshed websites....

MYIT - Getting Your Website Ready For The Coming Year

With just a short time left before we turn the calendars, it’s that time of year when website designing takes centre stage. Now’s the time when business owners and website operators should be looking at their websites, in order to understand what web site design updates or changes might be needed to position the business for the New Year. ...

MYIT - Mobilising Mobile Web Design - Why your entire web presence must be mobile

If you speak with any website designing agency today, and ask what services their clients are mostly asking for – it’s NOT what you might think. You may expect that many clients are looking to mobile-enable their web design. However, the truth is that most large and small businesses have already gone mobile – years ago....

MYIT - Unleashing The Power Of Content Management Systems (CMS)

Now, more than ever, web site design professionals are advising their clients to embrace Content Management Systems (CMSs) as a way to help reduce overall maintenance costs, while also positioning them to reap the benefits of enhanced website traffic. Find out how your web designer can help you unleash the power of CMS for your website....

MYIT - Web Design Tips Trends And Tricks For Your Next Website Refresh

It’s often thought that web design refreshes should be synchronised shortly prior to, or following, a new year - especially when there are four more months before the calendar turns. So, there’s no use planning for a website refresh just yet – is there? Well, any savvy web site designing professional would advise clients to do just that – and to start planning for their next website refresh NOW....

MYIT - Integrating Content Management And Web design

There was a time, not too long ago, where web design service providers were primarily focused on creating web pages and building online user interfaces for end users. The idea was to give clients a blank website so that you (the client) could populate it with content of your choice....