MyIT can host and manage your website and Content Management System (CMS), as well as manage your website name registration, email accounts and website updates.
Having us manage all of that will allow you to have a lot less website and IT work to deal with each week so that you can focus all your energy on your new and existing customers.
Time Well Spent Dealing With New Customers
Most website owners 'know something about' websites and IT, but they don't have the time to gather all the information they need to know how, to carry out all the tasks that their website and/or IT needs, e.g. updating website software, nightly virus scans, nightly backups, modifying email setups, updating all types of website content, creating new web page templates or adding products and photos to a website shop.
When you have your website hosted and managed on our high performance and monitored web servers, you'll know that you have the backing of an established web company, ensuring that your website is online and functioning without any problems.

Premium Hosting & Customer Support
For those rare occurrences when a web server does have a problem, we would know about it within seconds and there will be an engineer working on it immediately. Server downtime is a rare event nowadays on constantly managed and monitored high performance server systems but we have tested processes in place for when an issue does occur. If there are any issues we'll keep you informed and update you when the issue is resolved.
Website Server Reliability
We host & manage your website on high performance, professionally managed, secure, modern web servers located in data centres in Ireland and Amsterdam. To achieve high availability the servers are protected by emergency backup systems for internet connectivity, electrical power, air conditioning and fire suppression. The servers are also cloud based so the servers can be quickly transferred to spare server nodes if a hardware defect is detected.

Website Security & Backups
We ensure that your website is secure and that ongoing backups and virus scans are performed. The need for a website backup is not something that occurs that often, but it can occur and in those instances it is a recent, virus free complete backup that is needed. When your website is down, you lose customers, so we manage security and website backups so that your website is protected on all fronts.

Your Business Email Accounts
You may already have an email address like james11@yahoo.com, but now that you have your own website name, you will need email addresses that match the website name. This gives you a more professional image on the web when you're in contact with new and existing clients.
We can register whatever new website names you need and setup the corresponding emails accounts for you. You can access these email inboxes in a host of ways including Microsoft Outlook. We can manage those accounts for you, as well as manage everything else associated with that website name. We can also provide webmail access so that you can access your email using a party computer or during emergencies when you can't access your own PC or laptop.
We provide anti-spam / anti-virus scanning on your email server, so as to clean up your inbox and free it of spam emails and viruses. Over 40% of the emails received each day are typically rejected because they are spam or contain a virus, and some email inboxes are naturally worse than others.

Lower Website Hosting Costs
Many companies base their decision on web hosting on price alone and while cost is a very important factor, it's not the only factor. 'Total Cost Of Ownership' encourages you to look at all the important factors when deciding what company should be supporting you, your website and your business. You should consider what is best for your website and your business in terms of reliability, the type of customer support that you want, response times to fix a problem etc.
You should also put a high value on your own time. Many business owners assume that they are making huge savings by spending a hours each week working on their own website and email and fixing issues. They may be trying to edit/fix website problems that they're not fully up to speed on. In actual fact they would save money and time by letting website and IT professional manage their website and IT, and they could then focus on their new customers and their business, and that will quickly pay for a whole year of website management and support.
Get A Custom Quotation For Your Website
If you would like to know more about having an experienced web services company like MYIT manage your website, hosting and email, call us on 01 6216866 or email info@myit.ie. We would be happy to go through your requirements with you and prepare a tailored proposal for you, customised to your specific business needs.