Your Logo And Business Brand Are Important So You Need To Plan Them Out And Decide What They Need To Say To New Sales Prospects
Carrying out a logo branding or rebranding for your company over the email/web is not going to get your what you want - you need to sit down and discuss it with logo professionals who have created hundreds of brands and logos.
You need to chat it out, discuss your ideas, look at competitors here and abroad, and let us make some suggestions to you from our experience.
Together, the conversation migrates in the direction of what your business brand and logo needs and that is what our graphic designer can create for you.

We Stay In 'Design Mode' Until You Are 100% Happy
Whether you have a brand new business or you're looking for a new logo for an existing business, we know how to design the perfect logo and brand. We can create a number of logos and design permutations so that you can decide what looks best to you and we'll keep the logo in 'design mode' until you are 100% happy with it.
All of our logos are custom designs and are tailored for your business, industry, image and target market. Once the logo design is complete we'll email you all the graphic files for safe keeping so that you have everything to hand when your printers is looking for the logo to do printing or signage for you.

Your Logo Needs To Work For Your Business And Match Your Clients' Expectations
Your new logo needs to be a perfect fit for your company, as it will be representing you on your website, business cards, brochures and billheads for many years to come. You need to get it right now as changing a logo in a few years is an expensive undertaking. The logo needs to sit well within your industry, so that new and existing clients are comfortable with it.
For your new logo design we would gather all the information from you that we would need to build up a perfect picture of what you want, including:
- Describe your products & services
- Who are your typical clients?
- What image do you want for the business and logo?
- Who are your main competitors?
- What actual text, imagery and colours do you want on the logo?
- Does the logo have to tie in with any old billhead or graphic?
- What designs have you seen and liked?

Give Us A Call And Discuss Your Logo Plans
You can see designs and testimonials from satisfied customers here. Give us a call on 01 6216866 or email info@myit.ie and we would be happy to discuss your logo design ideas with you, and explain how we can get you exactly the logo and branding that you are looking for.