If you want your customers and future clients to see how different you are from all of your peers and competitors, then you need to show exactly that through their first point of contact with you - which is very often through your website. When clients see a website that’s:
- • Plain
- • Un-inspiring
- • Rigid
- • Displaying out of date content
- • Missing images
- • Broken Links
- • Devoid of originality
They usually associate all of those negatives with the company behind the website. Your web designer must therefore be able to transform a “stereotypical” image of you and your industry, into a web creation that will:
- • Encourages passers-by to stop on your site
- • Persuade them to stick around and browse some more
- • Convince them to make contact or place an order for your goods and services
Great designs are those that work equally for the site owner as well as visitors, clients and business partners alike. And great designers should be able to produce designs that work well for all your stakeholders and all of your different target markets.
In a world filled with mass produced goods and services, individuality and personalisation is one thing that can earn significant attention online. So while many firms offer template-based web sites, these just won’t work for you. Why is that?
1) Individuality: With a template, there’s only so much that you can do and change, in terms of differentiating your website from your competitors. If all you have is a rigid web template, your individuality is lost – and potentially many clients too!
2) Flexibility: Cookie-cutter site builders, like WIX or WordPress, may work well when you first go live, but as soon as you decide to make changes – even the slightest updates – you’ll find you don’t have facility on those kind of systems to do so. You’re trapped within that template forever! Of course you can get a web developer to make edits for you but not you have a situation that most updates now have to be done externally and this 'cheap' template website is going to end up costing you a fortune.
3) Look-and-Feel: A template-based web designer is cheap to engage – but the look-and-feel of the products they deliver are “cheap” too. That’s because they are “minimalistic” in what they offer. You pay for what you get! The user experience for your website visitors will be of a lower calibre too. You may want to start your business with one of these but you will be getting a proper business website soon, so why not get it now and let your business benefit from that improved presence and image.
4) Costly: If you want brand differentiation through your website, then you’ll likely have to do a complete redesigning of your cookie-cutter site. To make your site represent your company will mean a full-scale gutting of the template – and that will end up costing you a whole lot more! Cookie-cutter websites are only good if the exact website you want is the one you're looking at right now. But that is rarely the case and even then, you will want to change the website In a few months time.
5) Convenience: If you want to provide your visitors with a convenient and easy to use user interface to work with, chances are that your templated website won’t offer exactly what you want. Your prospective customers may not be satisfied with their experience at your site, and will go elsewhere. You’ll end up sacrificing customer-satisfaction for cost, which will result in loss of revenue.
Cookie-cutters Won’t Cut it!
In business, your web design is one of the major differentiating factors that will attract (or detract – depending on its design) returning clients, new prospects and business partners to choose you. With so much at stake, why would you even consider using cookie-cutter website design tools?