Tech & Help Articles

Below are some helpful posts on tech and web topics

MYIT - Working With A Full-Featured Web Design Agency

If you are like many small to medium enterprise (SME) owners, or an independent online business person, you’ve likely had occasion to source for web design services. But then again, you most probably went on to select and hire an Email service provider too, and someone to help manage your online marketing strategy….and the list goes on....

MYIT - 5 Web Design Guidelines For Branding

When casual visitors stop by your website, what do you think is the first thing that strikes them? It’s the quality of your website design! Remember: Every website visitor is a prospective client. And every prospect that walks away because of website designing flaws, is revenue that you could have potentially earned – but now wont....

MYIT - Web Design For Changing Times

Just a few years ago, business owners and entrepreneurs put initial thought into their web site design – and then never really gave it a rethink. Sure, there was the odd update to blogs or product/service information. But beyond that, the world hadn’t undergone any immense changes so you never needed to revisit the overall structure and messaging of your website....

MYIT - Choosing The Right Website Designer

It used to be that having the right product or service was all it took to run a successful business. No more! Today, highly successful businesses must also have an appealing website design to entice prospective clients to take a closer look at those great products and services they offer....

MYIT - Website Support

A website should never be a “set it and forget it” proposition. If your website is to function efficiently and effectively, then it needs constant support and monitoring from website designing professionals....

MYIT - 5 Ways To Get Your Web Designer To Help You

When most business owners think about engaging the services of a web design service, they often believe that their responsibility begins and ends there...

MYIT - 5 Ways To Improve Your Website User Experience 

Website design has a lot of technicalities associated with it. However, the actual process of producing a user-experience rich website, is more of an art than a science. Why is that? ...

MYIT - Web Designing Services For Gdpr: Is Your Website On The Right Side Of The Law?

Europe’s brand new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has kicked in since May 25th, 2018. So, if I hear you asking: What have web designing services got to do with GDPR – then you’re certainly in need up this update....

MYIT - Responsive Website Design: Three Ways It Will Reward Your Website

Without getting too technical about web design techniques and strategies, responsive sites are designed to “respond” to how a growing number of multi-device users surf, browse and buy things on the internet. ...

MYIT - Website Upgrades

Ask any web designer what their biggest nightmare is, and they’ll likely tell you it’s the fear of knowing the website they designed has been left un-upgraded for a while. Professionals in the website design industry care deeply about each site that they help put online and, as a business owner or online marketer, so should you....

MYIT - 3 Powerful Web Design Ideas to Guarantee More Traffic  

Like most website owners, you too are in search of website design ideas that will help boost your sales (or your website’s profile). Welcome to the competitive world of online marketing! The days of “Build it and they will come” are long gone. So, if you want to boost sales and Google Rankings, what must you do?...

MYIT - Your Business Needs Web Design And Management Working Together

It’s often said, and rightly so, that website designing is a lot of fun. It’s creative work that helps the web designer express him/her self in ways that few other professions can. ...

MYIT - Website Planning Tips That Really Work

Whether you are looking for website design ideas for a new site, or whether you are on the look-out for inspiration to upgrade and revamp an existing site, knowing where to start can always be a challenge. In this post, we’ll look at a few web site design tips and strategies that are guaranteed to make your life easier....

MYIT - Website Design And Data Privacy Go Hand-In-Hand

Unless you’ve been on a very long sebatical, you’ve probably heard about the recent Facebook/Cambridge Analytica debacle. If you are an entrepreneur, small business owner or web designer, there are lessons that you can learn from what happened here. Here are 5 simple steps you can take immediately, to protect yourself....

MYIT - Business Email: When FREE isn't such a good idea

When it comes to your business website design, entrepreneurs and business owners are much more discerning than individual (non-business) users. That’s because individuals don’t have as much vested in their personal websites. For a business, web designing concerns rank high, because the image and success of a business depends on it....

MYIT - How To Grow Website Business Over Holidays

Did you know that the art (and the science) of website design eventually comes down to drawing as much quality website traffic to the site as possible? And a lot of that online traffic often flows around special holidays and events, like Christmas, Easter, Six Nation’s tournament, Paddys Weekend, Mothers' Day, All-Ireland Final Day, Valentines Day, Father's Day Halloween etc....

MYIT - Website Repairs

Ever had a customer or website user call in to say “I can’t access your website – it’s broken”. Well, you immediately get your web designer to investigate the problem, and by late evening it’s fixed…but at what cost? An entire day’s potential sales has been wasted. Your web design service may have been at fault – but more likely the blame lies squarely with you....

MYIT - What Your Competitor's Website Is Doing And Yours Is Not

As you surf or browse online, do you ever ask yourself why some websites look so appealing, while others look positively mediocre? And while you are at it, have you considered the impact that the content on such low-quality sites may be having on the company’s clients? It’s highly likely that the web design agency behind those websites isn’t doing such a stellar job....

MYIT - 5 Web Design Secrets That You Can Use Right Now

As an online marketer, or an entrepreneur who depends on sales and sales leads from your website, you are always eager for your web designer to do their best to promote your brand. And while you’re at it, you do your very best to keep your own web design strategies secret. You don’t want your competitors to know what you are up to....

MYIT - Website Design Pitfalls That Small and Medium Businesses Must Avoid

As an entrepreneur who relies on your website to promote your business and attract new clients, it may be tempting to continue to “juice up” that website of yours. And therein lies a big mistake that many online marketers and website owners make....