Tech & Help Articles

Below are some helpful posts on tech and web topics

MYIT - Increasing Website traffic - 10 Tips to attract more visitors to your website

The old adage about websites and web traffic, that you can “Build it and they will come”, is no longer valid. With so many websites competing against each other for the same eyeballs, competition is fierce....

MYIT - Website Upgrade – Why Do I Need One?

It’s the beginning of a brand new year, and as with many other aspects of your web presence, it’s time to take a renewed look at your website design and ensure that it is in good condition and will serve you well over the coming year. ...

MYIT - Web Design Agencies – What Else Can They Do?

The popular belief is that when you need a website designed, or when there are changes you need to make to the layout of your website, you call your web design agency and they’ll help you with the task. ...

MYIT - How to Move Your Website - Without Incurring Downtime!

Once your website has been running satisfactorily with your web hosting company, it’s often difficult (and stressful) to make a decision to switch to another provider. However, some business owners do have to face up to that eventuality so here are some pointers on how to get it done without it impacting on your business....

MYIT - A Website Redesign - How Can It Help My Business?

When you have what you think is a successfully running business, a website redesign is probably not high up on your agenda. However, like the essence of any successful business, change is inevitable and is an important part of what keeps your website relevant. ...

MYIT - Website Content Planning – What Do You Need?

Website content planning is a bit like planning your new house: you must start out by knowing what you want it to look like once it’s complete. If you start gathering your website content without a proper plan, you could very well do more harm to your company’s reputation that you can imagine. ...

MYIT - Web Design Agencies – What else can they do for you?

In today’s multi-dimensional world of web technologies, working with reputable web design agencies and knowing what else do they can do for you, is well worth your time. You may be quite surprised at the breadth of their abilities to help their clients succeed on the web....

MYIT - Website Development - Using Google Analytics To Track Website Visitors

Any web designer can build you a “pretty” website. But is your website really achieving its objectives: Increasing traffic? Converting visitors into customers? Reaching specific target audiences? Only a web professional can help you here. Here are a few pointers to guide you....

MYIT - Website Maintenance: The secret to staying relevant online

With new search engine algorithms (these are the realignments in the search engine code that Google, Bing etc make periodically to reestablish the new and 'correct' ordering of entries on search engine result pages) and policies introduced almost every other day, static websites don’t stand a chance against well maintained, continually upgraded websites....

MYIT - Website Design: Total Cost Of Ownership (TCO) Really Does Matter

Overly focusing on “Cost” versus “TCO” can often lead you to make decisions you might live to regret for a while to come! When speaking with a web designer about building your company website, the discussion about cost often overshadows all other conversations. ...

MYIT - High Quality Mobile Website Shops Will Hugely Increase Your Sales

When it comes to web designing for a consumer base that is “on the go” and on their mobiles, there’s no better way to communicate with your customers, and to increase website traffic and sales, than by offering them a complete mobile solution. ...

MYIT - Web Hosting - Common Pitfalls And How To Avoid Them

If you are new to the online world, you probably may not be aware that there are two main components to getting a successful online presence: Great web design, and equally great web hosting. And since both of these sides to your website are so entrenched, it’s sometimes difficult to decipher what issues you might face if you choose the wrong hosting company....

MYIT - Website Shops: Make your selling strategy more effective

If you are a sales oriented business, then having a great web design is essential, but that alone will not guarantee that you will actually sell. Smart business owners and web masters today realise that an effective sales strategy takes more than just bells and whistles on a web site....

MYIT - Common Website Problems And How To Fix Them

When a business has had a website up and running successfully for a year or so, it’s easy to get complacent about the web design and its content. Many business managers and website owners think “If it ain’t broke – don’t fix it!” is a good adage in these situations. Well, that’s not such a great idea any more!...

MYIT - Web Design Pitfalls And How To Avoid Them

When you hire a web designer to create your business website, as an entrepreneur or business owner, you’ll seldom get down into the dirty details about what they are actually doing with your website build and how they are doing it. Business owners often just focus on business functionality and appearance, leaving it to the “pros” to take care of the rest....

MYIT - What To Look For In Choosing The Best Web Designer For Your Business

Web design is all about selling: A business that has an impressive website, one that looks professional and which stands out from the crowd, is more likely to generate significant traffic. And more traffic means more opportunities to convert casual visitors into paying clients. It’s that simple! ...

MYIT - Web Design: The Importance Of A Great Website Content Management System (CMS)

Many small and medium-sized business owners contact a website design firm to get them started with an online presence. A great deal of time is spent in discussing and reviewing the structure of the website, the content, the message and the layout of each page – which is extremely important! However, when it comes to managing the actual content to be hosted on those pages, not much thought is put into it at the outset....

MYIT - Get Your Business Website Working Harder: It Will Pay Considerable Dividends

If you do not as yet have an online presence for your business, chances are that, like many entrepreneurs in the same boat, you will spend a good deal of time trying to get the website design just right. And once the site is up and running, it will work hard for you; bringing in new visitors and converting new sales leads every week....

MYIT - Website design and hosting: Should you “go Pro” or “go Low”?

When business owners are planning a web development project, the usual conundrum they face is: Should I go with a professional firm and pay a little bit more; or should I partner with the lowest bidder? Both sides of the “go low” versus “go pro” debate have supporters and detractors. ...

MYIT - Web design: Do I really need a mobile website?

When you engage a professional web designer to create your personal, corporate or small business website, one of the first questions you are likely to get asked is: Do you need the site to be mobile-enabled? The correct response, in all likelihood, should be a resounding “Yes!”...