As another year ticks along, you are probably wondering why your web development strategy hasn't be paying off as much as you wanted it to. Well, if you are in that situation, then you’re not alone. Thousands of business owners and online marketing companies are in the same boat; desperate to know what website management strategies they should adopt in order to increase traffic to their sites in the coming months....
As a small or mid-sized business owner, how often have you wondered if your web site design strategies, and other online marketing activities, are good enough to compete with the “BIG guys”? Well, research is undisputable that investment in online marketing technologies has a direct correlation to business success and increased sales....
With so many web options available, how do you choose the right web agency for your needs? Here we’ll explore how a web agency can help your business, how to identify the right one, what they’ll deliver....
So, you’ve been working on a website and marketing strategy for your business. You have the business name picked out. You’ve hired a professional designer to create graphics for your website, and you have produced marketing material tailored around the new company name – but what about your website name?...
Ask any web design agency worth their salt what is the most important component of any website, and chances are they’ll say “content – high quality content”. That’s right, the oft repeated mantra that “Content is king” is indeed true. But the real question is: How do you create killer content that attracts new website visitors and Google?...
How often have you had a conversation about website updates with your web designer? Chances are – many times over the years But what you might not realise is that, if that conversations with your web site design team goes without follow-up action, your business operations could be at risk....
When it comes to strategising for your website, you may think that the updates you made during the November and December season are sufficient to get you through the year. Wrong! Online shoppers are a very discerning group that loves discovering fresh content , products and ideas on the websites they visit. ...
It’s that time of year again! Yep, it’s time to take a closer look at your website design and ask yourself “Am I ready for the upcoming year?”....
Just a few years ago, website designing was considered a science – something that only web-technical professionals could excel at. However, the changing world of consumer behaviour means that a good website now needs to be less concerned on website code, and more focused on delivering a great, client-focused web experience. ...
Just a few years ago, website designing was considered a science – something that only techno-geeks could excel at. However, the changing world of consumer behaviour means that a good web designing agency needs to be less concerned on the bells and whistles, and more focused on delivering a client-focused web experience....
Many business owners and website owners might feel that their website design is something that is somewhat “permanent”. It is not. The old days, where you designed a business website and never reviewed it again until you went out of business, are gone....
For small to medium businesses, web designing is never a static activity – it’s constantly evolving. Every year, new web technologies come into play, making older ones dated. If site owners don’t keep their eye on the ball, they could miss out on some exciting web features and functionality – at best. ...
The human brain is wired to give great weight to “first impressions” – and a professional website design delivers just that: It immediately assures casual visitors to your website, some of whom are potential clients, that your company is worth doing business with. ...
Efficient website design is all about managing content. It’s about making sure your website has the right content at the right time; and that every aspect of that content is well presented – from its creation, to its roll out onto your website and subsequent updates. ...
Going Mobile With Your Website – It’s More Than Just A Passing Fad For those businesses that haven’t yet embraced mobile website design, here’s the stark reality: “Mobile” is more than just a passing fad – It’s here to stay. The sooner you embrace it, the better off your business will be. Not only will you improve your company’s image - you’ll also increase sales too....
Over the past number of years, Google has rolled out a number of 'search algorithm' updates that were keenly followed by all website design professionals, and even a large proportion of the non-technical world too. With names like Hummingbird, Pirate, Pigeon, Panda and Penguin, these algorithmic updates have one central purpose: to make Google's search results more useful and truthful....
When looking for a web design agency, business owners sometimes look for web service providers who demonstrate all the bells and whistles on a few client websites. ...
When you reach out to a website design company to get your website built, the very first question you might be tempted to ask is about their web designing costs – and that’s natural, given that cost-consciousness is often the primary factor behind business decisions....
Understanding the importance of a web hosting service provider is a lot easier when put into everyday context. If you were to have a friend hosting a party in your honour, assuming the occasion was important to you, wouldn’t you want to ensure that the host is up to the task? Or would you just call the first person on your contact list and ask him/her to be your host?...
The internet is rife with horror stories about web service providers that seemingly don’t live up to a client’s expectations. Before you engage a web design agency to assist you with your web presence, there’s an implied assumption that you’ve already vetted them for all the things they can do for you....