If you want a better listing on the SEO/Free-listing (non-adwords) part of google you need some good in-links into your website from external, related websites e.g. industry associations that you are part of, bodies that govern your industry, suppliers that provide you with goods/services, clients that you are on good terms with etc. ...
You need to plan your website pages and sections i.e. make a list of the pages and sections that you want on your website - then plan the material you want on each page. You can go through this with your web design company....
Any product or service that can be sold can be sold through an ecommerce site, either exclusively or on top of a real, physical shop. This is why so many businesses are going online....
For any business the decision to go online is a major one. If done expertly it will transform your company virtually overnight as your product or service will be made available to vast numbers of potential customers and trading won’t be restricted by time and place. ...
The future of the web lies with mobile devices such as smart phones and iPads. Now is the time for your business to go mobile as that future rapidly becomes the present....
Refreshing and renewing the content on your website is no longer the expensive, laborious process it used to be. This frees you up to do the natural thing and keep your content fresh: nobody likes to hang around, shop at or revisit a stale website. ...
Adwords Marketing is done through placement of text ads which display once people search for search-phrases (keyphrases/keywords) that are related to the products or services you provide....
A user friendly and well-designed website can go a long way in engaging with your new and old customers, offer an effective communication channel with the decision makers as well as raise money from sales. ...
Creating website content is an art as well as a science. Inexperienced web design companies will often create great-looking websites but not plan the content, or substitute content for 'website gadgets'. ...
Unfortunately, contrary to the old adage, people do judge the book by the cover. The logo that your company adopts is that “cover”, or a central part of it. Your business logo is one of the first things that potential customers see and first impressions are based upon what they perceive....
In the past building a website involved building every page as a static page using web page creation software and pushing these pages through FTP to the web server so that they could be seen on the web. While this is perfect for small and simple websites, it brings forth serious limitations for modern website and websites with additional content. ...
Twitter is the fastest growing social network site in the world, everyone from Barrack Obama to Miley Cyrus is tweeting daily. However, the big question is, why should people in sales use Twitter?...
Every good business owner knows the value of a good web presence. All current and future clients will find what they need there and frequently go there instead of calling into a bricks and mortar shop....
The first step to successful online lead generation is growing your business/social network database. The second step is to attract as much traffic as possible from your social channels to your website landing pages and converting these visitors into engaged contacts and clients. ...
The eyes of the average computer users are definitely drifting from desktop screens and toward their hand held devices. According to recent studies 64% are looking for product and contact information online, 74% require easily accessible store operating hours and directions while .......
Smartphones and tablets are taking over from PCs and the vast majority of these users are using these cellular devices for accessing the internet. So you can well understand that a website designed only for the desktop will not suffice in capturing the attention of the entire target audience. ...
Everyone these days is going gaga over the importance of SEO for their website. You hear people saying that SEO can completely transform your website, but how exactly is that possible?...
The success of a business is greatly determined by the effort put into it's product promotion. To make more sales, people have to know about your products and services. The downside is, however, that advertising is not easy and it's not cheap....
It has become really important for website owners to devise effective means of directing lots of new customers to their website. Having a website is only part of the online puzzle since most of the work lies in marketing the website. It will be meaningless to have captivating site but have zero visitors on the site....
All businesses are somehow dependent on their website. The success of the website depends on the quality of the content which is featured in the website. In addition to that, one of the ways for a website to have top ratings in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is by the way of having quality in-links i.e quality links from external websites to your website. ...